
Tender notice issued by BHEL dated 14-10-2019 Due Dt 25-10-2019 for Supply and I&C of 2.5MW Outdoor PCUs for 75MW SPV Plant at Dhuvaran & 100MW SPV Plant at Raghanesda for GSECL at Gujarat.

October 22, 2019

Please find attached the tender notice issued by Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL),  Electronics Division, Bengaluru dated 14.10.2019 for  Supply and I&C of 2.5MW Outdoor PCUs for 75MW SPV Plant at Dhuvaran & 100MW SPV Plant at Raghanesda for GSECL at Gujarat. 
For more information, request to visit their website.

 BHEL EPS website - https://bhel.abcprocure.com/, click on search, type the RFQ no. in keyword, click search, list will appear and click on the RFQ no. for tender details. Event ID is 35470

2. http://www.bhel.com/tender/view_tender.php?tenderid=49331

3. https://eprocure.gov.in, search for tender Id 2019_BHEL_483572_1

Corrigendum-I has been published for below tender in the websites mentioned.
Reason: Requirement of compliance to IEC 60721 for PCU is being excluded from this tender.
Kindly note that the tender is due on 25.10.2019, 13:00:00 Hrs. (IST) Please submit your offer on e-tender portal

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