
Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Selection of Knowledge Partner for the Embassy of India for implementation of the “Access India Initiative” which is a Market Entry Support Programme

April 23, 2020


EMBASSY OF INDIA, The Hague for and on behalf of the President of India invites a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Selection of Knowledge Partner for the Embassy of India for implementation of the “Access India Initiative” which is a Market Entry Support Programme. Further details are available in the tender document available on our website http://www.indianembassy.nl Any further queries can be mailed to the following email ID: trade.thehague@mea.gov.in 

2. The bids should be submitted in a sealed envelope superscribed with name of work “Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Selection of Knowledge Partner for the Embassy of India for implementation of the “Access India Initiative” and may be submitted to the First Secretary (E&C), Embassy of India, Buitenrustweg 2, 2517 KD The Hague, on or before February 25, 2020 at 0500 PM. 


(Pranay Sinha) Second Secretary & HOC Dated: January 22, 2020 

Extension for date for selection of Knowledge Partner for implementation of "Access India Initiative"

Further extension of date for selection of Knowledge Partner for implementation of "Access India Initiative"

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