
Yoga Classes

August 29, 2013

We are pleased to inform all that Yoga Classes have been started at the Gandhi Centre, The Hague, under the guidance of our Yoga Guru Mr. Karan Singh.

Ambassador of India\'s letter in this regard can be seen at this link.

Mr. Singh has received ten years’ intensive training in Yoga under very experienced and internationally renowned Yoga teachers. Mr. Karan Singh has been teaching Yoga for the last 15 years. His classes are for beginners as well as for those who are familiar with Yoga. Many of his exercises are beneficial for specific maladies or for reducing obesity. His resume can be seen at this link.

All persons that are interested may please contact Mr. Bart Kortekaas at the Gandhi Centre at the e-mail: or by telephone 070-3229576. The classes are free of cost.

The course details and registration form can be seen at this link.

We look forward to welcoming you at the Gandhi Centre.

The flyer in English on the Yoga Classes can be seen at this link

The flyer in Dutch on the Yoga Classes can be seen at this link

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