
PIO Card Validity Extended up to December 31, 2021

March 11, 2021

The Indian Immigration will accept all Person of Indian Origin (PIO) cards (including handwritten PIO cards), along with valid foreign passport, as valid travel document till December 31, 2021,instead of earlier deadline i.e. September 30, 2020.

Indian Immigration Check Post(s) will continue to consider all PIO card valid for exit from/entry into India till December 31, 2021 as last and final opportunity.

This extension of timeline is subject to the condition that if in the meantime, any deadline is notified by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) thereby making handwritten PIO cards invalid, then PIO cardholders may have to obtain appropriate visa from Indian Missions/Posts. It may, however, be ensured that the PIO card is valid at the time of travel.

All PIO cardholders (handwritten and machine-readable) are meanwhile advised to convert their PIO card to OCI card.

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