Forthcomming Events

Virtual India Subcontracting Expo-2021- 9-12 March 2021 on a virtual platform

February 19, 2021

EEPC India is recognized as the largest export promotion council for engineering goods & services and has been actively working to promote India’s engineering exports across the world by means of participation in exhibitions, mounting delegations, organizing RBSMs etc. 

EEPC India is pleased to announce the second edition of Virtual Exhibition named “India Subcontracting Expo” during 9-12 March 2021, with a focus on North America. The complete details of the show is available on EEPC India has already successfully organized two virtual exhibitions named "India Subcontracting Expo" and "FarmMech" recently.

A visitor promotion flyer specially designed for online registration of buyer/visitor is enclosed for your ready reference. Please make a note that the registration of buyers/visitors is absolutely FREE. Interested parties can register on-line using the following web link :

Click here to download the file
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