Forthcomming Events

Indus food Tech 2020

July 08, 2019

Please find attached information on Indusfood to be held on January 8-9 2020 at New Delhi India. 
TPCI and Department of Commerce will be organizing third edition of its flagship mega F&B trade show ‘IndusFood’ on 8-9 January 2020 in New Delhi. 

Following the success of two editions of ‘IndusFood’, for the first time, competent authority has allowed TPCI to organize concurrently with the ‘IndusFood’ a sub-show “Indusfood-Tech” on 8-10 January and allocate space to foreign companies to showcase latest technology in “Food processing & packaging machinery”.  The initial research describes that Nederlands is one of the global leaders in the export of food processing & packaging machinery and have a great collaboration prospect in India wrt investment / JV / Tech Transfer & export opportunities.   
For more information request to kindly refer to the attached brochure. 

We shall be grateful if you could kindly disseminate this information to organisations/persons who may be interested in the same
Click here to download the file
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